get up, get up

Listening: Michael Jackson - Thriller

Just got back from Chomps with Ken Koh. Anyhow, thanks for showing me this really really great dessert. It's called MILKCURD. Oh my lord I've been missing out. Then again like you were saying if I'd never tried it, I'd never miss it. But now I have, I can add it to the list of things I'll miss about Singapore! :} Too bad I don't have a photo of you. couldn't catch you, you were too short. That is just in jest, old friend, you're pretty alright for someone who broke my heart about 5 years back.

Started on a few friendship bands for Sarah and Jolie. Making my bracelet first 'cos I'm testing out a new pattern or design, whatever you might want to dub it. My table needs clearing. Or rather, rearranging because the mess is really irking me right now. Shall wake up slightly earlier to do it. Sweet Jesus I hope class isn't a bore tomorrow, because my rubbish bin will not be around. And there's still that freaky classmate I'll have to deal with. Someone please send me money, I really do wanna study full-time. 6 hours of school a week is way too little. Even if you are struggling with school work, and a million tests and examinations on your mind, bumming is the life (for awhile), you cannot do it forever. Every part of you starts slowing down, especially your neurological processes. That isn't even the worst part. Bumming is exactly as the name suggests, your ass gets fatter everyday from being glued to the swivel chair.

I am excited for J&J's FF Playtime. We shall call it that alright? Sounds...kinky! I shan't elaborate. Ask me if you don't get why!


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