Thanks To the Man of the Year

Listening: Sum41 - We're All To Blame

This was on the 19/20th of July, it brings back good memories. Images of Desiree being caught in between the doors at the platform, and squeezed off the train stranded behind the glass panel. I can't wait to fly over to Melbourne (hopefully Feb 2010).

Class was..interesting, as usual, I suppose. I got really freaked out by this classmate from intake 10. She literally ran after me. Like, I don't even know where to begin describing how deathly terrified I was. She was telling me about how she knew me because she noticed my group of friends and how we always livened the class atmosphere. She noted I wore my uniform last week and started interrogating me about who I was and what I was doing. Please people, please, try to sympathize, or at the very least, pity me! That aside, I inquired about University options. And I find out that my half A'Level Certificate holds more weightage than my current diploma course?! Oh god, well at least it'll compliment whatever grades I have. (Which totally suck ass, by the way)


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